Ottawa Gatineau Geoheritage

The Ottawa-Gatineau Geoheritage Project promotes greater public knowledge and appreciation of the geology and related landscapes in and around Canada's National Capital Region

Events in and around Ottawa



Check the schedule for Jane’s Walk for a guided walking tour of the building stones of Ottawa at Jane’s Walk Ottawa.


Doors Open

A great opportunity to visit built heritage structures in Ottawa to learn about their history and see a variety of building stones. Visit the Doors Open Ontario site for more information.


Annual Gem and Mineral ShoW

Nepean Sportsplex, 1701 Woodroffe Avenue, Ottawa

Held in September, this is the main annual event of the Ottawa Lapsmith and Mineral Club. Two-days of shopping for gemstones and minerals, as well as demonstrations on all aspects of working with minerals for decorative purposes, displays, informal gemstone evaluations, and mineral identification.

For dates and information, visit the Ottawa Lapsmith & Mineral Club site. 


This event takes place in late September or October, and provides the public with an opportunity to become more familiar with the rich geoheritage of the National Capital Region. Join volunteers from Carleton University's Department of Earth Sciences and the Ottawa Gatineau Geoheritage Project at area parks, heritage sites, and green spaces, to learn how geological processes have shaped our landscape.

For more information on dates, times and locations visit the Department of Earth Sciences - Carleton University site.